Friday, April 8, 2016

CURSOR sample

USE OneSource2015


Some cursor samples.


--1.) declare the cursor
declare cTestTable cursor for
select --<< select the data you want to loop through, important: select only the columns you need.
       test_table test

--2.) delcare variables that matches the fields in the select statement.
------this will be populated from the cursor.

declare @test_description varchar(50),
              @test_id int

--3.) open the cursor
open cTestTable
--4.) first do an initial read and fetch values from the cursor into the variable.
fetch next from cTestTable into @test_description, @test_id --(this is the same as moving to a next record and reading the row.)
--5.) Check the status of the cursor to make sure it has not reached the end of the table,
---- and continue with the loop. Fetch in the same order as the columns in the select statement.
while(@@fetch_status=0) --( 0 indicates all is ok)
       print UPPER(@test_description) + ': Calculated id: ' + converT(nvarchar(50),(@test_id*12));
        -- Do any operation before the next fetch to insure it does not duplicate a read or read when the status is error.
       fetch next from cTestTable into @test_description, @test_id --(same as movenext)The variable now contains new data from the table, operations can be done below this.

--very important... cursor needs to be closed AND deallocated right after use.
close cTestTable
deallocate cTestTable

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